"Superliminal split detected, aligned with our system."
"We don't have any outgoing ships on record... Bring up the EM probes."
"Disturbance detected near station Utility." [EXASPERATION] "I-It's gone dark!?"
"Weapons systems, gravity generators, life support, all gone... I-Incoming message!

Project Jauntstream
A game about aliens

The galaxy of Project Jauntstream is a fragmented one. A cataclysmic event wiped out the rulers of the old galactic civilization, leaving plenty of alien factions scrambling to seize power.
Travel to distant stars, exchange with the locals, and destroy those who seek to disturb the peace.
A game about mechs

"Flying saucers" doesn't even begin to cover it. You will come across (and pilot) vehicles designed for every environment in the universe, from oceans and upper atmospheres, to space stations with quizzical gravitational fields.
A game about good games

Project Jauntstream is nothing if not a love letter to the genre of science fiction, weird mechs, and even weirder alien races that I enjoy. Alien contact, space dogfights, and platforming with weird gravity among others are all part of the promise behind this game.

Concept art and deeper dives into the game will be on my Ko-Fi page as more and more are created. If you feel like Project Jauntstream is a game you'd like to exist in the future, this is the way to make that happen. Every bit makes a difference.