Art Gallery
My art. Not a complete gallery, just some of the things I'm most proud of over the past couple of years. Click on a category to expand it!
PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE!!! give credit if you use or put these images somewhere other than here.
The sections with the slimeballs next to them were the most recently updated.
The Scrunt Chronicle

A silly little comic made on a whim.
The Gingaloidigan and The Power Cell

Originally a panel for a much larger comic.

Escape from Petcru™ Base B74

Captive scrooks breaking out of the car-man transporting them to base B74. This drawing took 5 days to make! So much work... but I like to think it paid off. The car(or car-man as they're called) originally didn't have legs, but it's a little quirk of the world of scrooks that these guys all manufacture cars with arms and legs(hence car-men) instead of taking the cheaper option of using wheels.
In The Thick Of It

Guitan chases Duttrick

Another one of my "big guy chasing little guy in desert" drawings. I would hope at some point I get to make a game with this guy as a boss.
His Glory, Scrastian

Scrastian, one of the biggest scrooks on the planet and a harbinger of storms in the desert.
This was fun to make. It took about seven hours of non-stop drawing to get it all done. I was listening to bittertooth's Poison the whole time.
Hyunazo and the Scrooman

A Hyunazo encountering a scrooman, who just crash-landed on planet Scremp. The scroomen were ultimately responsible for the extinction of all native life on Scremp, but this Hyunazo is probably proud of the opportunity to set the extinction date back a bit.
Drawing the back shell was really fun.
Panewker and Gyurrick

Panewker(Patio, Newshoes, and Bunker) having an encounter with a desert Gyurrick.
This piece ended up being the primary inspiration for my comic, Panewker.
Gifts from Apsand

Esac The Terrible

One of the first drawings of its kind for me.
The Nether

Part of a small redesign project, inspired by Minecraft's Nether Update.

Another Megalon Redesign

A redesign of the classic Godzilla kaiju, Megalon. An exercise in perspective, using Krita's perspective assistant tools for the buildings.
Dancan Foaming

A rendition of the kaiju Dancan from Ultraseven, the second series in the Ultraman franchise, depicted here foaming at the mouth as it did at the end of its debut episode. I'm quite obsessed with the kaiju from Ultraseven in particular, with this guy being pretty up there on my "favorite ultra kaiju" list.
This was secretly an exercise in perspective, using Krita's perspective assistant tools for the buildings.


Late-Showa-era-inspired kaiju.

Character for a Dungeons & Dragons campaign.



Character for a Lancer campaign.

patio with tha techwear

AI-Assisted Characters

While playing around with Stable Diffusion(an open-source artificial intelligence which takes text prompts as input and spits out an image) I generated some Muppet-looking creatures and decided to try turning them into some cute little character designs. They're not the prettiest things in the world, but they've gotten me to think about using AI as part of my workflow more.

Skrangcorp™ Car-Men

A car-man and an autonomous robot by Skrangcorp. the Oulie is a multi-purpose car-man made to be used for dynamic missions out in the desert wastes that surround the scroomen colonies, whether that involve dealing with hostile wildlife or excavation. The Scoutroya JIMB™ was made with manual labor in mind, with some basic automation and heavy lifting capabilities.
Gigan Redesign

A redesign of Gigan from the Godzilla franchise.
Cronus Kid

The Nether

Part of a small redesign project, inspired by Minecraft's Nether Update.
Alien Concept

A race of aliens that evolved from monkey/slug-like creatures.
Throughout most of their history, these aliens used their central third leg for grasping objects, while their pheromone-sensing feelers served as display organs. But as they became more adept at using their feelers in daily communication and the occasional odd job, they gradually became their primary means of interacting with their world. The change would be cemented by the creation of a new genetically modified version of their race which bred out their predecessors.

An old monster for an old conceptual horror comic series.

An old monster for an old conceptual horror comic series.
Ponkras and the Porthole Demon

Goop Kritter


A Cast Of Characters


Creatures from the Vent

Old drawings of creatures I made while frustrated about something.

Two Modular People

Two fanmade characters based off the Modular People from C.M. Kosemen's All Tomorrows, a story about branching human evolution over the span of a billion years.
Shin Godzilla VS Ultraman


My Lancer character Fishhead's Swallowtail mech frame.
Gadzamon The Red Monster

A test in making a render look like an old tokusatsu set.
The Golden Flup


Take it?

First big piece using PixelCompose.
Shin Ultraman

Mortisorg The Living Savepoint

Illegal Online Critter Smuggling

Practice in HTML art.
Theodore The Pal

You found the Parrial!