The Forever Project

The eww is a disease which covers those afflicted in a black and white sludge. Infected scrooks find themselves compelled to work with other infected scrooks to carve perfect corners and edges into the surrounding environment.
Coming across evidence of the eww is not an easy task. The Scuggorss is attracted to anything that looks like a sign of civilization, so much of the work of the eww remains underground.
The eww itself can also be found underground, as they will choose to expand on existing work if they can, as opposed to starting from scratch.

The works of scrooks under the influence of the eww show tell-tale signs of poor planning, often with entrances and passageways that are awkward to traverse, even for the scrook that made them. The scrooks themselves can often be seen working the land in some way; smashing rocks, chipping at granite with a beak, or treating rough surfaces with sputtering acid. Despite this, the walls are always smooth, clean, and flat, even if the scrook making them does not have anything that could feasibly create such immaculate surfaces.

The eww is not a terminal illness, surprisingly. About a dozen days after contracting it, the afflicted scrook regains their composure (sometimes this aligns with the completion of a "project.") Even so, if the scrook remains stuck in the mazelike caverns, they may get repeat exposure from other afflicted scrooks before they get out.
The scrook has full memory of what happened, able to recall the works they participated in. However, regardless of the circumstances, they will say that they were fine and did it of their own volition, as opposed to being controlled or under the effect of some illness.